Tuesday, March 5, 2013

words for the homeless

treatment (n.) ['tritmənt]
Forms: treat (v.)
Definition: care by procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury.
Sentence: Some of these havens also provide treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.

rehabilitate(v.) [,riə'bɪlɪtet]
Forms: rehabilitative (adj.)  rehabilitation(n.)
Definition: help to readapt, as to a former state of health or good repute.
Sentence:homeless shelters can help rehabilitate some of the people that stop taking drugs.

misconceptions(n.)  [,miskən'sepʃən]
Forms: /
Definition: is an idea that is not correct.
Sentence:Another misconception is that every street person has a mental illness.

self-sufficient(adj.) ['selfsə'fiʃənt]
Forms: self-sufficiency (n.)
Definition:  able to provide for your own needs without help from others.
Sentence: They will help these homeless tennagers to become self-sufficlent adults.

essential(adj.) [ɪ'sɛnʃl]
Forms: essentially (adv.) essentiality (n.)
Definition: absolutely necessary; vitally necessary
Sentence: This shelter provides essential facilities and some special services such as job advisors.

encounter(v.) [ɪn'kaʊntɚ]
Forms: /
Definition: a casual meeting with a person of thing
Sentence: If you encounter someone and want to help, what should you do?

circumstances(n.) ['sə:kəmstəns]
Forms: /
Definition: a casual meeting with a person of thing
Sentence: Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.

incapacitated(adj.) [,inkə'pæsi,teitid]
Forms: incapacitate(v.)
Definition:  lacking in or deprived of strength or power
Sentence: If you see someone who's clearly incapacitated, the best thing is just to call the police.

reluctant(adj.) [rɪ'lʌktənt]
Forms: reluctantly(adv.) reluctance(n.)
Definition:  unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom
Sentence: If he is reluctant, you shouldn’t force food on him.
counterproductive(adj.) [,kaʊntɚprə'dʌktɪv]
Forms: /
Definition:  tending to hinder the achievement of a goal
Sentence: In practice, however, such an attitude is counterproductive.

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